Update - Westchester Power Community Electric Supply Program to restart 11/1/2022 – Information Sessions on 8/31, 9/1 & 9/2

Sustainable Westchester’s Community Electric Supply Program  was on a brief pause due to the unprecedented conditions in the energy market, over the last year, that have manifested in energy price increases that the program has never experienced since its inception 6 years ago. As a result, market prices have moved dramatically and continuously upwards for many months, hampering Sustainable Westchester’s ability to execute a supply contract up until this point. After months of navigating the market conditions, Sustainable Westchester has secured a contract to begin on November 1, 2022. Sustainable Westchester remains committed to developing evolving structures and procurement strategies to meet the challenge of this new energy paradigm in support of Westchester consumers.
Public information sessions have been scheduled for 8/31, 9/1 and 9/2 at noon and 7pm via zoom. Links to these meetings, along with information about the new contract, can be found here: https://sustainablewestchester.org/wp/conedterritory/#events
Sustainable Westchester will also be sending mailings to residents over the coming weeks. Sustainable Westchester can be contacted directly at 914-242-4725 or westchesterpower@sustainablewestchester.org